Digital MarketingMay 23, 2022

Improve SEO Ranking By Doing Smart SEO

What makes users click most on your website when visible in the searches?

Or why standing out in the crowd is still a big struggle for it?

These are the two basic questions you must give uppermost priority to when identifying the pluses and minuses of your site. However, those decades-old tactics may not work now. By relying on those quick-fixes, you won’t be able to generate even a single lead. 

On the contrary, if you still believe that people and Google would find your digital footprints, you may fetch no to zero returns. But worry no more because Google rankings isn’t a difficult subject that can’t be qualified. 

Indeed, you can gain merit in the ranking if you simply learn the basics of SMART SEO. But, what the hell is this? Let’s unwrap it. 

Tracing the Significance of SEO

It will never work until you are serious about SEO ranking and its value. As per a recent study by MOZ, on an average, the first 5 results account for 67.60% of all the organic clicks from Google searches. 

This leaves 3.73% chances for the remaining sites ranking at 6 to 10 positions in the search results. Now you may wonder, what about the remaining 23.8%. 

Well, these remaining ranking factors belong to social media and adwords that can successfully fetch instant results but aren’t long-term gold for sure. 

61% of B2B marketers showed acceptance to the fact that organic traffic has generated more leads for their website than other digital marketing initiatives could. 

Beyond a doubt, this is something that made us believe in the power of SEO. But herein, we are excluding standard SEO, but are delving into some smart acts that guarantee 100% results. 

Here’s how the magic happens. 

Disclosing the Smart SEO and How to Bag a Win

Below we break down the real meaning of what SMART SEO exactly is, so that you could get it better –

  • Specific goal

There are a few things which must be the primary goal of your website. If you want to scoop out more benefits from SEO ranking, keep your specific goals well aligned to the overall plan.   

It may be easier for any specific keyword to rank no.1 but this can’t be the ultimate goal. Your website must be ranking for multiple relevant keywords. Else, you must be prepared to get badly hit by your competitor live on the search results. 

It is easy for them to beat your ranking on a particular keyword but not on multiples. However, the brand of your website must be a keyword itself as it has added benefits. If you are apt enough to encourage people to search for your website on Google, and they take action. You are already a leader.  

Such as, people visit “Amazon” and not “Walmart” if they are searching for Amazon on Google. It is because the online shopping site has built a keyword of itself that people search.  

  • Measurable goal

Measurable goals are the best assets to understand your website’s performance in the long run. Simply put, with the word measurable goals, we actually meant dividing the plans, executions into segments and tracking, reporting and recording the outcomes in different intervals. 

‘How often are the posts ranking well on Google and shown in the top searches’, you must keep measuring these essential figures. If you are working with an SEO team, monitor how much they have done the work on the website. 

Has the backlink profile become stronger, or has the website’s authority been improved? Keep measuring them as well. Stay consistent on these measurable goals if you want a consistent website’s growth across Google rankings.

  • Achievable goal 

If you are expecting your website to rank at no.1 position on Google searches, this is undoubtedly an unrealistic expectation my friend. Being a starter, or a new website, goals that you can readily achieve must be at your core focus. 

You can’t improve SEO ranking right from the beginning as it is a slow process. Multiple activities including, backlink building, on-page optimization, off page optimization, social media awareness and consistent article and blog publications are done on the site. 

Thereafter you can expect some solid reasons. Suppose, you serve the Healthcare niche through your website. Since already many big websites have built a trusted and solid image across the internet, your chances to stand out are fairly minimal. 

So try setting goals that are achievable. The roadmap to them must be less competitive. We recommend to start working on low competitive keywords from the beginning and expanding the authority through it. 

  • Realistic goal 

Always work on a realistic goal and don’t set unrealistic expectations. No matter if you are more focused on local SEO or international audiences are on the radar. 

You must believe in the present and not the future. Believe in the process and not the outcomes. If you are working with the right team and feel that the website’s process is in a good flow, things will get better. 

It takes time, and you must know that. Most probably, it depends on your niche as well. If you run your website in a highly competitive niche, make sure you are well aware of the time and money to go into the process. 

  • Timely goal

It is pretty much hard to derive results from digital marketing if your goals aren’t time-centric. No matter how difficult it is to rank a particular website for a particular page, timely goals are still attainable. 

Timely goals refer to the results obtained in a particular timeframe for a website. You may view it as a target as well. Similarly, you can expect SEO experts to provide you results within this particular time frame. 

However, numerous activities are likely to go into the process, so make sure your goal isn’t too unrealistic and isn’t imposed forcefully on anyone. Timely goals must be realistic with great potential to be achieved within the promised timeframe. 

Final Words

The last but the pro tip is to stay updated with Google’s new algorithms. They change month after month and in case you aren’t actively watching them, you may no longer be a part of the digital trend. 

Today, digital marketing and website’s optimization are done innovatively. Advanced features and new trends keep coming in the market. So being a website owner, it is your responsibility to either keep pace with these brand-new happenings in the internet world or let some professionals do the work on your behalf.

